Ready, set, SHOP!

  One of my favorite things during the holidays is strolling through the department stores and shops. I love the festive spirit and the Christmas decorations and the fact that it's perfectly acceptable for everyone to be spending time and money shopping ;) Of course we're supposed to be buying presents for our loved ones but it doesn't hurt to admire some lovely additions to your personal collection :D

I just love walking through and looking at beautiful things, trying them on and dreaming about outfits, parties, holidays.. Somehow there is something magical about this time of the year!

...unless it's Sales time. Then it's just MADNESS! :D

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow... They decorate department stores here too at christmas time, but this is just.. not fair!! :D by the way, do you remember us trying on fur hats in montreal? Similar to the one in the second picture. Boy oh boy if I could get that in white fur. Then I could die happy :D
