Food Adventures Weekly

I used to capture my food ALL the time. I was one of those people with the big camera and the iPhone who would make everyone wait before eating so I could get "the perfect shot" :D I get teased about that a lot. At dinner one of my friends will always say: "WAIT! Nobody eat! Larisa hasn't instagramed yet" :D

I'm a little more tame now, but I still like to snapshot my culinary experiences!

1. Homemade Guacamole - simple and divine!

2. Grilled Salmon Salad  - I rarely eat meat, even when I go to restaurants and salmon just always sounds so delicious on the menu!

3. South Indian -  My first time trying this type of food! This was a completely vegetarian meal with a lot of beans, lentials, potatoes and other veggies, so of course you have to have some carbs like rice to balance it all out. The coconut chutney (basically a coconut sauce) was my absolute favorite. Yum!

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