Summer purchase in the winter

What's red and suede and bright and has gold accents and makes me happy? My new clutch!

I first saw this bag at Aldo in the summer but decided that I don't "need" another clutch. But soon I found myself back at the store, looking for it and alas, they sold out! Little did I know that they will be in stock again in the winter and on sale ;)

And since I am so happy with this purchase, just one photo wouldn't be enough :D

Ready, set, SHOP!

  One of my favorite things during the holidays is strolling through the department stores and shops. I love the festive spirit and the Christmas decorations and the fact that it's perfectly acceptable for everyone to be spending time and money shopping ;) Of course we're supposed to be buying presents for our loved ones but it doesn't hurt to admire some lovely additions to your personal collection :D

I just love walking through and looking at beautiful things, trying them on and dreaming about outfits, parties, holidays.. Somehow there is something magical about this time of the year!

...unless it's Sales time. Then it's just MADNESS! :D

Scarf & Boots

The last several days have been really cold. You know when you wake up the morning and your bed is so warm, and you just kind of stick out your nose from under the covers and you just cannot imagine that someone is making you leave this wonderful warm place when its so cold outside?

I usually lie around for another ten minutes trying to think of what to wear (a complete excuse to stay in bed longer ;)) So this morning I decided that unless I am bundled up like a doll in a big warm scarf, I refuse to leave the house :D Oh, and these are my new boots! ;)

Estee Lauder newbies

After months of search and wait, I finally have my powder. Whew, what a process that was :D
I have to say thank you to my lovely friend in Vancouver who got me the Estee Lauder powder and liquid eyeliner with a big discount :) I've already used the powder today and I love it! 

Food Adventures Weekly

I used to capture my food ALL the time. I was one of those people with the big camera and the iPhone who would make everyone wait before eating so I could get "the perfect shot" :D I get teased about that a lot. At dinner one of my friends will always say: "WAIT! Nobody eat! Larisa hasn't instagramed yet" :D

I'm a little more tame now, but I still like to snapshot my culinary experiences!

1. Homemade Guacamole - simple and divine!

2. Grilled Salmon Salad  - I rarely eat meat, even when I go to restaurants and salmon just always sounds so delicious on the menu!

3. South Indian -  My first time trying this type of food! This was a completely vegetarian meal with a lot of beans, lentials, potatoes and other veggies, so of course you have to have some carbs like rice to balance it all out. The coconut chutney (basically a coconut sauce) was my absolute favorite. Yum!

Best Friends

I've had my Michael Kors watch for almost a year now and I just love it. I almost don't feel like myself if by some chance I forget it at home. But I think all this time the watch was a little lonely.. all by itself on my wrist.. But I found it a best friend! 

Ever since I bought this red leather bracelet with golden detail, these two arm candies have been inseparable! I wear them together all the time :)

The Everyday Face

After I saw M's post on make-up, I started thinking - What's my easy, go-to look these days? 

I did my usual makeup the other day and remembered to take a photo! 

Brown Eyepencil + Black Mascara + Tinted lip balm + Blush

This time I also added a little bronze eyeshadow. Usually I would wear some powder but I still don't have one :D

So this is really easy, takes about 5 minutes and the lipbalm is nice because its both a "medicine" and a color :) I'm thinking though that in December I'm going to up my look to be a bit more festive. I was thinking really sparkly eyeshadow or even shimmery bronzer.. I'm really into shimmer and sparkle right now!

Dressing up my Gadgets!

On my recent shopping venture I really surprised myself! I looked at the shoes, and the coats, and the jewellery.. but I got most excited at the Apple store when I looked at some pretty clothing for.. my gadgets!

1. Marc Jacobs laptop cover

2. Kate Spade iPhone covers

3. Michael Kors black leather and gold wallet with special space for the phone (classy AND functional!)

It's probably a syndrome of spending so much time on my computer lately or always having my iPhone with me, but these beauties really got me thinking about Christmas presents! Since my laptop and iPhone are always with me, wouldn't it be nice to dress them up in something pretty and unique so I get happy everytime I look at them? ;)

Sunday Ingredients

1. Sugar: coconut cream chocolate mousse cake. YES. That many delicious things in ONE piece. Color me sugar happy ;) My friend had Tiramisu. 

2. Tick tock: Had time to do my hair and walk around and even snap a photo of myself in a bathroom (classy gal!)

3. Ka-ching: Stroll the shops! Christmas already came to all the stores and the mood was festive and beautiful. I will post tomorrow what I set my eyes on ;)

Guerlain Girl

I have to share my new crush. This week I had time to fall in love with Guerlain makeup. I've passed by the products before, blissfully unaware, but now I just know that everytime I walk by I will look longingly at the lipsticks and the skincare products and create little plans in my head for when I can treat myself :)

This is how it happened: I was at the department store because I was looking for this limited edition Dior eyeshadow set. (more about that later). I was describing it to the sales girl, telling her that this year I am really excited by sparkles and glitter and I feel very festive. (more about that later too :)) So she literally took me by the hand and said "you HAVE to see this". Next thing I knew, I was at the Guerlain counter and she was spraying perfume on me. It was divine! The perfume was in a vintage bottle with one of those pouf things you have to press, and when the scented air came out it was dusted with little specks of gold. She sprayed the perfume on my arms and my hair and I was enveloped in deliciously smelling gold sparkles. It felt so pretty, luxurious and festive. I instantly wanted to be at a party with a glass of champagne in my hand!

Next she showed me their lipsticks and lipgloss. Both clad in special packaging that looks like a bullet secured with a jewel, but when you open it, a little mirror pops out. Very Bond Girl! The colors are so luxe! And the lipgloss itself is almost like a lipstain - it's so rich and matte that it just feels like someone painted your lips into a perfect hue. I tried everything there - the mascara, the foundation, the primer.. If I wasn't late to a party I would've spent another hour there.

So for me Guerlain is really the make-up that I've been looking for - high quality, smart, beautiful and unique design and it just feels and smells luxurious. That kind of make-up that you don't throw in a purse, you place it lovingly. You don't hide it in your room, you leave in front of the mirror. And you love taking it out every once in a while around other people because it's like a beautiful addition to your wardrobe. Or you can just never show it to anyone and keep it as your secret weapon to always feeling like a princess. Or bond girl? You decide. :)

Bundle Up!

It's that time of the year. I took out my warm wool winter scarf, my wool headband and my leather gloves and bundled up for the first time this fall. I have to say I've missed fall clothes!