Good Morning! - My 3 favorite ways to start the day :)

1. A delicious cup of coffee with great conversation :) (Had this latte and a great chat the other morning and decided I should do this at least once a week :D)
2. Biking the seawall and through a path between the trees as the early sun shines through.

3. Early Morning Swim at the pool (I am not a good swimmer, but after 20 minutes I feel relaxed and ready to take on the day and it's exercise!)

What's your favorite morning like? :)


  1. I love to start my mornings with sports too, there's no better way! I wake up, prepare a healthy breakfast with lots of coffee (babes, you should stick with filter coffee, cappuccino has a shot of espresso) and then to a fitness class :)

  2. I've actually never combined sports and coffee in the morning, for me it's either one or the other :D But I am definitely following your advice on no espresso!

  3. Hmmh, now that you said it it actually sounds weird to combine them. But I have no problems. I never have problems with coffee ;)
