
I was looking through and I found pictures of this girl from Sweden - I think she's like 14! But I just think she has great style. I love this outfit.

Also a new thing emerging for me - dark lipstick. I have all kinds of really bright shades, but I've never worn dark lipstick before and I really want to try it. I think if you do it right, it just attracts people to look at you (in a good way). I'd have to find the right shade for my complexion. I do have a darkish shade that's part of a make up kit, I think I'm going to try it this week :)

1 comment:

  1. Post me a picture when you try it on! I have a new dark lipstick too but I haven't had the courage to wear it yet. Just imagining myself at a club, having a couple of drinks too much and that color on my lips... Umm..have you seen the movie 'Dawn of the Dead'..? :D :D
